
TEDxCluj – Generating Change

Am sa va rog sa notati in agenda data de 26 aprilie, pentru ca atunci se deschid liniile de inscriere … am sa va dau, din casa … unu, doua motive, pentru a sta cu dejetu’ pe f5, nerabdatori, sa se deschida liniile de inscriere, ca sa prindeti unu’ din cele 120 de locuri (iep, asa e … nu o sa fie decat 120 de locuri) […] Asta, asa doar cat sa ne trezeasca interesu’ … io va spun de pe acum ca o sa fiu prezent (mi’am facut un script care da refresh la pagina de inscriere, cum apare formularu’, cum il completez 😀 ) … asadar, vorba bannerului: meet me at TEDxCluj

Am sa va rog sa notati in agenda data de 26 aprilie, pentru ca atunci se deschid liniile de inscriere … am sa va dau, din casa … unu, doua motive, pentru a sta cu dejetu’ pe f5, nerabdatori, sa se deschida liniile de inscriere, ca sa prindeti unu’ din cele 120 de locuri (iep, asa e … nu o sa fie decat 120 de locuri)

  • Mukul Pal

    Mukul Pal, Co-Founder, Orpheus Capitals is a Chartered Market Technician, MBA Finance. Orpheus Research is registered with Integrity Research Associates, New York as an independent research company. He is a member of the Market Technicians association. He has more than a decade of Capital Market experience dealing with derivatives and global assets. He has worked for Bombay Stock Exchange, multinational Banks and brokerage houses in leading research positions before starting on his own in 2005. He is also an authorized investment consultant by the CNVM (Romanian Capital Market Regulator).
    Mukul has actively researched on ‘Time’ and has written some seminal papers on the mathematical hierarchy of time. His first paper on performance cycles was published in the Kyoto Economics Journal in Mar 2009. Recently his paper on Time Fractals was accepted by the ERN History of Economics Journal and Capital Markets Market Microstructure eJournal (SSRN Economics Research Network). Time Fractals attempt to explain the exponentiality in nature and markets. The subject has wide application even outside capital markets.     

  • Andrei Gheorghe

    Andrei Gheorghe is a well-known radio and TV host and producer from Romania. He wrote for “Academia Cațavencu” and for the 24-FUN national guide. He published the volume “Midnight Killer-Banalitatea s-a nascut la oras” at Polirom publishing house. He was the managing director of PRO FM Bucharest, programs director of the Media Pro trust, marketing consultant at Antena 1 Bucharest TV channel. Since October 2010 he has been running a TV show, called “Poker Club” on Prima TV channel and he will also participate in TEDxCluj conference in order to hold a speech on Marxism in a changing context.

  • Ioan Bocşa

    Ioan Bocşa is a well-known Romanian folkist, with an impressive CV in the fields of singing, researching and teaching of Romanian folk and culture. His books were distingushed with Academy Awards and his albums are much appreciated in Romania and abroad. Ioan Bocsa is also the founder of the Icoane ensemble and a teacher at the Gh. Dima Music Academy of Cluj.

Asta, asa doar cat sa ne trezeasca interesu’ … io va spun de pe acum ca o sa fiu prezent (mi’am facut un script care da refresh la pagina de inscriere, cum apare formularu’, cum il completez 😀 ) … asadar, vorba bannerului: meet me at TEDxCluj


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