
Leapsa … cu cantec

Prin nesimtirea mea si bunavointa lui Vlad Dulea, am intrat in posesia acestei provocari … e una destul de interesanta, si anume: trebuie sa iti alegi un artist, sau o trupa si apoi sa raspunzi la 17 intrebari … raspunsul trebuie sa fie titlul unei melodii … asadar sa incepem:

Trupa aleasa de mine este:

Guns N' Roses

Are you a male or female? – “Sweet Child O’Mine

Describe Yourself –  “Don’t Cry

How do you feel? – “November Rain

Describe where you currently live: – “Paradise City

If you could go anywhere, where would you go? – “Welcome to the Jungle

Your favorite form of transportation: – “Dead Horse

Your best friend? – “Patience

You and your best friend are: – “Knocking On Heaven’s Door

What’s the weather like? – “Estranged

Favourite time of day: – “Yesterday

If your life was a TV show what would it be called? – “Civil War

What is life to you? – “Rocket Queen

Your relationship: – “Garden Of Eden

Your fear: – “One in a Million

What is the best advice you have to give? – “It’s Alright

Thought for the day: “Bohemian Rhapsody

My motto: “Live And Let Die

O chestiune extrem de importanta: Provocarea aceasta nu se ia (puteti sa raspundeti printr-un comentariu)! … se da! … astfel eu am sa o dau mai departe la M.I.S.U (ca doar e in domeniu) .. si daca vreti, nu a zis nimeni ca nu se cere 😀 … pana la urma asa am facut si eu 😉

Modificare ulterioara:

Dezaxata a cerut aceasta leapsa intr-un mod neobisnuit… dar se accepta 😉 … o mai primeste si FB Ronnie

  1. Trupa aleasa: QUEEN

    Are you a male or female? – “Calling All Girls”

    Describe Yourself – ” Princes of the Universe”

    How do you feel? – “I’m Going Slightly Mad”

    Describe where you currently live: – “Heaven for Everyone”

    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? – “ Sail Away, Sweet Sister”

    Your favorite form of transportation: – “Bicycle Race”

    Your best friend? – “Mustapha”

    You and your best friend are: – “ We Are the Champions”

    What’s the weather like? – “A Winter’s Tale”

    Favourite time of day: – “Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon”

    If your life was a TV show what would it be called? – “One Vision”

    What is life to you? – “A Kind of Magic”

    Your relationship: – “Love of My Life”

    Your fear: – “Was It All Worth It?”

    What is the best advice you have to give? – “The Show Must Go On”

    Thought for the day: “Get Down, Make Love”

    My motto: “I Want It All”

  2. day4dianabine ai venit si te mai astept … frumos, sa mor daca stiu jumate din piesele lor 😉
    mersi Vlad Dulea
    mishu … astepatm 😀
    FB Ronnie GATA, am rezolvat chestiunea 😉
    unde ai fost pana acum Adriana?

  3. As vrea cu drag sa iau un banner de la tine (125×125), dar eu sunt eu prea blonda sa vad codul HTML ori nu stiu cum sa-l iau 😀
    cand you help me:).
    Felicitari pentru initiativa luata de tine!

  4. artistul : michael jackson:

    Are you a male or female? – “Liberian Girl”
    Describe Yourself – “Dangerous”
    How do you feel? – “Superfly Sister”
    Describe where you currently live: – “In the Closet”
    If you could go anywhere, where would you go? – “Stranger In Moscow”
    Your favorite form of transportation: – “Butterflies”
    Your best friend? – “Morphine” 😛
    You and your best friend are: – “Bad”
    What’s the weather like? – “Speed Demon”
    Favourite time of day: – “Break Of Dawn”
    If your life was a TV show what would it be called? – “Man In The Mirror”
    What is life to you? – “Tabloid Junkie”
    Your relationship: – “Invincible”
    Your fear: – “2000 Watts”
    What is the best advice you have to give? – “Keep The Faith”
    Thought for the day: “Heaven Can Wait”
    My motto: “Heal The World”

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Ma, clar, in 2.000 (anu’ domnului),cand am aterizat io in Cluj, plin de increde in propriile mele forte, cunostiinte si relatii (ma rog asa credeam atunci), acum ii spun pura inconstienta, legata de absolut tot ce inseamna oras nou (amu’ nu mai zic la nimeni ca “nou” ii inutil, ca dora’ din Baia am plecat), primu’ lucru’ pe care l-am facut dupa ce m-am cazat in caminu’ III, din observator, a fost sa merg in cebtru’ orasului. Nu multi erau posesorii unui telefon mobil …, ia, stiu, amu’ in 2011, si coptilu’ de gradinita are macar un amart de telefon, ce ruleaza pe android, in schimb atunci … ce vremuri domnule …
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